Astronomers and Citizen Scientists Discover Tatooine-Style Planet

A recent discovery by a team of astronomers and citizen scientists has unveiled a Tatooine-style planet that resembles Luke Skywalker’s home world in the Star Wars franchise. Known officially as TOI 4633 c but nicknamed Percival after a character in the “Harry Potter” book series, this planet is located within the star’s habitable zone, making it potentially capable of supporting liquid water on its surface. The presence of water is crucial in the search for extraterrestrial life, as all known life forms depend on water.

Interestingly, the initial readings from this Neptune-sized planet indicate the possibility of a second planet sharing its orbit. The researchers plan to conduct further observations to confirm the size, location, and orbit of the original planet, as well as the existence of the second planet.

One striking aspect of this discovery is the contribution of citizen scientists. By sifting through the massive amounts of data collected by NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), volunteers have assisted in finding new planetary systems. Simon Bentzen, a dedicated citizen scientist involved in the Planet Hunters TESS program, described the thrill of discovering a potential transit as heart-pounding excitement. With over 43,000 volunteers from 90 countries, this collective effort has not only led to the cataloging of millions of cosmic objects but also to the identification of longer orbit planets.

TOI 4633 c has an orbit of 272 days around its host star, making it one of the planets with the second longest period discovered by TESS. Although its longer orbital period does not necessarily enhance the chances of supporting life, this remarkable planet is situated in the habitable zone and orbits a bright star.

Despite researchers’ skepticism about the presence of life as we know it on TOI 4633 c, the planet’s potential for harboring rocky exomoons raises intriguing possibilities. These exomoons could provide a suitable environment for emerging life forms, especially if they possess solid surfaces and contain water.

The discovery of this Tatooine-like planet offers a unique opportunity to study exoplanet formation and provides insights into the intriguing dynamics of a binary star system. As astronomers continue to unravel the mysteries of the universe, this finding offers a stepping stone to understanding how planets form and the potential for moons within their systems. With time, it may even enable scientists to make educated guesses about the presence of planets in other star systems based on observable properties.


1. What is the name of the planet discovered by astronomers and citizen scientists?
– The planet is officially known as TOI 4633 c but nicknamed Percival.

2. How does Percival resemble Luke Skywalker’s home world in Star Wars?
– Percival is a Tatooine-style planet, similar to Luke Skywalker’s home world in the Star Wars franchise.

3. Why is the presence of water crucial in the search for extraterrestrial life?
– All known life forms depend on water, so the presence of liquid water on a planet increases the potential for supporting extraterrestrial life.

4. What is the significance of the possibility of a second planet sharing Percival’s orbit?
– Further observations are needed to confirm the existence, size, location, and orbit of both the original planet and the second planet.

5. How have citizen scientists contributed to this discovery?
– Citizen scientists have assisted in finding new planetary systems by sifting through the data collected by NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS).

6. How many volunteers are involved in the Planet Hunters TESS program?
– There are over 43,000 volunteers from 90 countries involved in the Planet Hunters TESS program.

7. What is the orbital period of TOI 4633 c?
– TOI 4633 c has an orbit of 272 days around its host star, making it one of the planets with the second longest period discovered by TESS.

8. Does the longer orbital period of TOI 4633 c enhance the chances of supporting life?
– The longer orbital period does not necessarily enhance the chances of supporting life, but the planet is situated in the habitable zone and orbits a bright star.

9. What potential does TOI 4633 c have for harboring life?
– While researchers are skeptical about the presence of life as we know it on TOI 4633 c, the planet’s potential for harboring rocky exomoons raises intriguing possibilities.

10. How does the discovery of this Tatooine-like planet contribute to our understanding of exoplanet formation?
– The discovery offers a unique opportunity to study exoplanet formation and provides insights into the dynamics of a binary star system.

– Habitable zone: The area around a star where conditions may be suitable for life to exist, typically based on the presence of liquid water.

Suggested related links:
NASA Official Website
NASA Exoplanet Exploration