The Secret Treasure: Earth’s Hidden Gold

The Earth is not just a planet of immense beauty, but it also holds secrets buried deep within. According to recent findings, our planet is hiding a significant amount of gold in its core. While we may not be able to see it with our own eyes, this fascinating fact opens up a world of possibilities and raises intriguing questions.

During the formation of Earth, over 99% of the gold present at that time sank down to the core, creating a concentration of this precious metal in the planet’s innermost regions. Geologist Bernard Wood estimated that there is an astonishing 1.6 quadrillion metric tonnes of gold residing in our planet’s core, which is enough to cover the entire surface with a layer that is 1.5 feet thick.

Interestingly, gold in the core is incredibly rare, comprising only about one part per million. In comparison, the core holds six times more platinum than gold. This scarcity, combined with the fact that meteorites have enriched Earth’s surface with deposited gold over time, has played a significant role in ensuring the availability of this precious metal.

To get a glimpse of this hidden treasure, we must venture deep below the Earth’s surface, approximately 1,800 miles down. Beyond this point lies an enormous amount of gold, existing as molten metal in the extreme temperatures of the core. These reserves remain untouched, waiting to be discovered by future generations.

The presence of gold in Earth’s core not only ignites our curiosity about what lies beneath but also sheds light on the planet’s complex formation process. It reminds us that our world is full of mysteries that continue to amaze and inspire us. So, while we may not be able to hold this hidden treasure in our hands, its existence serves as a testament to the wonders of our planet.


Q: How much gold is estimated to be in Earth’s core?
A: Geologist Bernard Wood estimated that there is about 1.6 quadrillion metric tonnes of gold in the Earth’s core.

Q: How rare is gold in the core compared to other elements?
A: Gold in the core is incredibly rare, comprising only about one part per million. The core holds six times more platinum than gold.

Q: How deep below the Earth’s surface is the gold in the core located?
A: The gold in the core is located approximately 1,800 miles below the Earth’s surface.

Q: In what state is the gold in the core?
A: The gold in the core exists as molten metal due to the extreme temperatures.

Q: Is the gold in the core accessible to humans?
A: Currently, the gold in the core is not accessible to humans. Future generations may have the opportunity to discover and access these reserves.


Core: The central part of the Earth, lying beneath the mantle, consisting mostly of iron and nickel.

Quadrillion: A cardinal number represented in the U.S. by 1 followed by 15 zeros.

Jargon Used:

Geologist: A scientist who studies the solid Earth, including rocks, minerals, and Earth’s processes.

Platinum: A dense, malleable, precious metal that is often used in jewelry and for industrial purposes.

Related Links:

National Geographic – Deep Ocean Gold Rush: Mineral Treasure